Friday, June 27, 2008

Sommat else about Discernment

I was going to reply to Nate's comment on my last entry but I thought I would make a post of it seeing as my morning 'fellowship' so easily ties in with a response. Almost as though it were planned...

I went to see a friend from church this morning who lives in a village just outside Geneva. They have such an idyllic life in the country and the balcony overlooks the school where her two boys go (who are adorable by the way!). We spent the morning planning for the 'kid spot' on Sunday's service - teaching them a song about Obedience. It's fun but I feel a little bit hypocritical - O B E Y obey your mum and dad! She has a great lesson planned to go with it so should be ace. We also talked about the holiday bible club that may be happening. Yet another wait to see what God wants...

And she said something to me that was really encouraging. We were talking about listening to God and whatnot and she reiterated what countless people have said to me recently and which, in true human fashion, is taking much repetition to fix so that I can recall it on my own and take heed: what He wants us to do is be like Jesus.

That statement always seems so sweeping and belittling of the details doesn't it? All God cares about is you being like Him, the shape of your life doesn't really matter, is not significant. But that is not the case at all. The plan is that by being more like Jesus we will start to think like Him. Our desires will align with God's desires and from that we will know what He says about the details. I thought I said it in another post but I forgot to... when I mentioned John 10 in Coffee and Sacraments it was 'cause I had been given that verse by a couple of great mentors who were encouraging me about listening to God's voice by getting to know Him better. I glossed over it in my blog and it appears I missed the point as well since I needed to relearn the lesson. Get to know His voice. What better way to know what someone is thinking than trying to live a life that is in accordance with their desires? Only from that point can The Word (that is Christ, also the good shepherd) be discerned from the Wolves.

I wanted to respond to the comment with a "Well, great for those that can hear it but I'm sticking to what is written down, I've made too many mistakes trying to discern the will of God" but today, for some reason or coincidence, I was in a conversation that encouraged me to not give up just yet. Yeah, Bible GREAT and not to be overlooked on a daily basis, as well as a good way to check if what you hear is in line with Him. But hold true to the promises that He is there to light the path. I mean, the very fact that He is putting people in my life to be wise shows that He speaks in other ways doesn't it...?

There is still the question of is the door is really shut yet? I am not sure how to answer that, but it is being asked so I suppose I will have to give it some prayerful/bible reading thought. This morning I was going to catch a tram and I had three minutes to just cross the street and get on, so I was being leisurely. I know my time was right 'cause it was set by the Swiss transport system. Then the b*st*rd (token gesture as it's before the watershed) left early; as I was pushing the button no less and someone else had just got on. I was in such a fluster, having already been rushing that morning, and I flung my hands up in despair and wanted to cry and give up. Watching it pull away I wandered down the street a little as I didn't want to stand there waiting. It had stopped at a light... I had caught it once before by running to the next stop but I'd had a better headstart then... it was hot, I was wearing a dress and partially broken flip flops (thongs!)... I needed that tram - shoes off and I sprinted. Could not cross the street and found myself dashing down the tracks in hot pursuit (literally, that tarmac was not soothing) and I did just about make it. The risk of being left a second time did not bear thinking about but as I got on the satisfaction was in the conquest. I showed that tram driver, I showed him good.

So, do I fling my hands up in defeat or run to the next stop and see if I am really too late?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Run Katie run. *"I wish"*