Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Splash of Colour

Whoopee! I found out (a few weeks ago now) that I had doubled most of my photo albums and tripled my music collection on my laptop, which means that I no longer have to worry at all about how much storage I have on here. There is plenty to last me until the end of August and as such I was able to upload my photos from The Trip!!

So, in particular favour to my parents and in particular tribute to The Yellow Couch, I am (finally) going to makes links to albums that can be found elsewhere on the web. I am not prepared to pay for a host site so you will get the quality Facebook gives and be glad for it! See me for higher quality copies (if I know you, else that would just be weird!).

This is particularly pertinent now the blog-off has been officially recognised by DD. I am realising that without photos it is basically a nobrainer, so here you go. I would add that if we let experience be the judge then the whole 'self-improvement' thang would be futile. I vote we measure on enthusiasm!

First things first, Dublin. A selection follows with more to be found here and even more to be added one day, maybe.

The first drink. My first Guinness. We later went to the factory where I bought some underwear to mark the occasion.

Is this not fabulous? They weren't walking along in some Reservoir Dogs manner it was by chance, they weren't even together. If only I had the feet... Still, power to the ginge!

They look cool even when they fight.

I kid you not, they are still alive...! Touring even!!

A cool skip. I like skips, you never know what you might find in them.

The most Irish man in the world.

'The' man himself. How am I suppose to compete with someone that cool...? That is genuine Gutchi I'll have you know.

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