Tuesday, July 15, 2008

10 Things I Hate About [insert just about anything here right now]

I am in a bit of a shit mood. Thus I shall fulfill the venting element of my relationship with BGB.

For starters, I just knocked two really pretty expensive (well, one did not cost a lot but it is worth a lot I just know how to shop well; note also that price is relative and I am a student!) delicate beaded dresses on top of a really pretty dried (not dead) 'strawberry blonde' rose, thus endangering the two and destroying the latter which by the way was the last one of a really pretty bunch given to me on my birthday.

Plus I am really tired even though I slept 12 hours last night. I feel like I never really woke up properly today and thus am worrying that I am foreseeing a difficult recovery from the past week and will inevitably be hurtled into busy life again before I am ready to be, which in turn will result in the crazy scary mean Kat(i)e who does not live in the full glory of God but stumbles through in the dark and doesn't even know how to get back to light. I have too much to do this week to not be OK for it!

The weather just turned cold and none of my jeans fit me anymore :-(

I am losing my voice which is making speaking and singing and well, all kinds of communication, impossible/very hard, painful and tiring.

I made lots of bad choices today resulting in feeling like nothing was productive, everything took longer than it should, I ate too much crap, spent too much money and interacted poorly with people I didn't know. Leaving me feeling like a spazzock and that I wasted a day that was supposed to be really cool (just 'cause days are these days) but wasn't.

The biggest bummer is that at the time I wasn't even able to see what was wrong and only realised everything too late which means that it couldn't have been any different anyways. I don't quite know where I went wrong as I was trying to rest and thought I had done so but my brain is not functioning properly implying that I haven't. Maybe I didn't stop soon enough and so it will take a while to get back to top form but I am a little bit worried that I never will and being fuzzy in the head is not a very nice feeling when you are supposed to be processing things.

All in all I am pissed off 'cause yesterday life rocked and now things have changed so quickly, without anything specific actually being wrong even. I suppose that being tired and sick and confused will do that to oneself but it just sucks that I can lose track of joy when it was so very profound.

In good things I found another suitcase in the street, which will come in handy when my friends come over and take back stuff for me. But it is not leopard print so it doesn't really count for much more than neutral.

I feel like a bit of a bitch to everyone I hung out with today! I'm not saying you were a waste of time, just me that's all. Hopefully there will be progress before the YAGs BBQ/pool party tomorrow else I will be a sulky cow and probably have a hissy fit. Could be interesting but not ideal.

On that note bed calls...

P.S. For those who thought "raised to the ground" was a strange phrase actually it is not. The word is "razed" and it originates in latin - think erase. You might still think it's strange but at least you can spell it now!


Carolyn Whitnall said...

:( I'm having a fortnight like that. Birthday didn't help. Neither did braving Claire's wedding service (my old housemate, do you remember her?) - though it was definitely a good thing to do, still not fun being in Bath and seeing the people therein. (The wedding was ace though). And I've got so much work to do that I might not be able to take the very much needed leave I booked for tomorrow.

Sorry to hijack your venting post!

Hope you feel rested and refreshed this morning. xxx

Kat(i)e said...

No sorries for angst here! I love the idea - everyone: feel free to hijack the venting...

Anonymous said...

I've got a cold. ugh. Not happy about that either...

I feel for you my friend.