Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Vienna: I gave you my heart and the very next day you gave it away.

I never though I would be the person that screams out "You fucking arsehole!" in the streets of one of the cultural capitals of the world. But I did. And I make no apology.

I have met some perverts in my time, indeed in the past few days have been some priceless examples one of whom will be getting a post of their own in due course, but I have never been so outraged in all my life.

After a ABSOLUTELY fabulous night and day in this spectacular capital of Austria I really was feeling moved to perfection. This is by far the most beautiful city I have ever had the priviledge to spend time in (more so than Budapest, I kid you not) and I am even now looking into a way to get to move here for a while, in due course. However nothing, I repeat NOTHING, can excuse the behaviour of a certain Venetian man this evening.

That said, I cannot be sure he was a local. One of the main reasons for this is that we are currently amid the Euro season and I totally overlooked the fact that I was going to be in one of the major football centres. I'd left Geneva thinking "I'm escaping at just the right time" only for it to hit me on the train that I was heading into the fray... It did not affect my day too badly in the long run but it certainly notices as there is a huge 'fan zone' set up in a park between the museums and the parliament - forcing you to purchase McCafes and overpriced Carlsberg and throw away your bottles of water. It seems to be a bit of a repeating occurence that by chance I end up at these major sporting events abroad and it is kinda exciting, so after taking Dave out for a thank you dinner (OMGoodness, all you can eat sushi for €14!!!) I headed off to catch the end of the Swiss-Turkish game and soak up the atmosphere.
There was none.
Now, I must admit to having had a wry smile when I heard the English were not in the Euro. I was kinda glad they weren't going to mess up my town. But you know what, at least they know how to party. It was boring and unfriendly and the only time there was any action was when Turkey scored their first goal; then I became very aware of my location in a pocket of Turkish supporters wearing my 'I heart Switzerland' T-shirt. I left soon after to go on a rambling attempt to find David and his friends. Well, at least I can say I was there... Euro '08 man, livin' the dream.

So, what was it that affronted me so very very much? Well, in context I really did have a truely marvelous day even though I didn't get to do very much specific things and had no idea where I was at given I forgot to get a map, so literally spent 10 hours wondering in circles thinking 'there has to be a centre somewhere I will follow the big beautiful old buildings' and quickly realising that that is all Vienna has. It was incredibly cool though and gave me a good chance to think and chill and eat weird sausage and go through a market and... ooh ooh tangent: I was in this market and an olive man made me eat one of his olives even though I didn't understand and didn't want an olive and it seemed to have a chilli inside. He insisted it was a pepper but he was lying. Remember - fallible! I swear I nearly died and it gave me terrible hiccups (Question: hiccoughs?).

Anyways, great day. Then what happens? Well, as wondered aimlessly towards where David was, without really knowing 'cause I was only well practised at being lost in Vienna, a cyclist comes scarily close to me on the pavement. I shriek a little at the danger but that was not even close to the end of the issue. The b***ard (I am a little calmer now so will refrain) grabbed my behind and whilst doing so lifted up my floaty (but not at all sluttily short) white summery skirt, then continued on his way!!! DISGRACEFUL. Needless to say I chased him down the street hoping he would have to stop at the lights. Though really, is that the kind of man that follows traffic procedure?

After that there was a bit of a damper on things. Maybe it's the football, it does strange things to people. I am however a little suspicious it might be a crazy sport in Austria given that one of the people I met at the pub later (you gotta love Irish pubs abroad) said quite brazenly that he enjoyed doing that when he sees an opportunity and can never say no...! What is this world coming to I do not know. He did say he never grabbed, only lifted a little in a jokey way, but I still think that is not a valid excuse.

Rounding up the day I am not too upset now. It seems a little more funny and Vienna did totally speak into my heart (awww, soppy moment). I want to share one of the things that I found as I wondered lost round the streets that really was kinda worth it for this alone. A mural on a wall which, I hope I do not misquote, said something along the lines of:
"Do not try to be an apple if you are a banana. You will only be a second rate apple"
Love it. Also, it ties in with what D was saying about me on the first night. He remarked that he had forgotten how loud I was... then added that it was ok 'cause it just meant he didn't have to work so hard at the conversation since I did enough for both of us! I liked that, it is a new take on the concern I sometimes have of being "too much" and yeah, I am reminded that it ok to be bananas if that's what you are. Anyway, nobody likes a bad apple.

I am leaving in the morning. Only just realised and thought I had time for Klimpt but I don't which is a shame. Well, I will just have to return won't I. Hmmm, I have done this rather late and it is not as succinct as I would have liked. Also, the spellchecker is not working and I can't be arsed to go into Word. You will have to be more forgiving whilst I am writing from abroad me thinks. Now, I must sleep as it's gone 2am and I am up at 7. Silly silly Kat(i)e.



Anonymous said...

hmmm, I feel that if Vienna does indeed suffer from a plague of (at best) mischievous cyclists then there is a market for some kind of personal stinger device*

*I refer, of course, to the UK polices' favourite metal-spiked tool for ending car chases, not to the homing missile of same name (although that would be fun).

Carolyn Whitnall said...

Venetian=From Venice (you meant Viennese). Sorry, completely inane pedantic comment!

Kat(i)e said...

I know Carolyn! It came to me in bed last night I felt like a right fool and wanted to change it but now you have brought it to the attention of those not pedantic. However, I am grateful, though not greatful obviously...!

Kat(i)e said...

Pete. You have given away your location twice now. It is only a matter of time before I will be able to I.D. you...