Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tee Hee

Was talking to aforementioned friend about why I have given up caffeine and alcohol (two weeks ago today...!).

[Suppose I had better digress and 'briefly' mention my reasoning. I am very sensitive to stimulants and definitely don't need the extra energy and I also found myself too often indulging in a kick that was, frankly, akin to getting a high. It can be a bit much and 'Kat(i)e on caffeine' is an official state that people are aware of and comment on! I already stopped drinking it before church. This happened 'cause at my B I abstained from my en-route Starbucks (ooooh, I made a comment about coffee in church on another blog, talk about easy post formation... that shall follow at some point) as I didn't want to be jumped up and not able to pay attention to God. Then I realised that I probably ought not be chemically charged at any church service since He doesn't just want our attention at special occasions. Then (finally) it occurred to me that God doesn't just talk to us at church! That coupled with my unhealthy attitude to caffeine highs made it wise for me as an individual to cut it for a while/indefinitely. Alcohol was when I realised that while I did not drink worrying amounts I did see it as a good stress/upset related device and, well, that is not at all cool. Also, I can't be as in-tune with God after a glass of wine either (or rather if I am it is far less validatable!).]

Anyway. We were talking about how there is nothing wrong with these things but that they are only OK in the right amounts and contexts. I said that otherwise it was Inappropriate Consumption... except it came out as Inappropriate Consummation - which is also something to avoid but far less relevant!

Tee Hee ;-D


Carolyn Whitnall said...

Who'd have thought the first c-word you'd cut would be caffeine...

Kat(i)e said...

Ha! You are funny :-D