Monday, November 17, 2008

Consumerism, part I

Watch this when you have a spare 20 minutes. I tell you now it's worth it to get the thoughts thinking. Done? Now, what you think...?

For those of you that are "going to do it later" it is a short film about "The Story of Stuff". It's quite "American" (not that there's anything wrong with that it's just sometimes as Brit I forget they are for real but that is so my bad) in it's statistics and approach and has a lot of loaded comments to make but if you can watch it and be a bit open minded then I think it has some important messages.

Maybe you don't believe... maybe you take it with enough of a pinch of salt and a "how can I know it's true" attitude to disregard it... maybe you just don't know what to do with the information and feel a little bit like you can't make a difference anyway... maybe you have already challenged yourself in this and have a cohesive response... maybe you are running outside screaming and shouting at the world to stop in their tracks and CHANGE! Do tell.

I will let you how I feel some time but it's this or nothing as a post tonight and I want to get the ball rolling...

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