Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Bird Has Flown The Nest

OK. What's sadder than a cheesy gimmick of a title? A cheesy gimmick of a title that is a reuse of my current Facebook status!

Robyn went back to Canada today. I was going to put back home but I defiantly did not because, well, because I like to think of her first loyalties being in Geneva with me. Playing as my husband instead of being an actual wife to her own. Boy will I miss her. That is one iron sharpening iron friendship and I have never felt more challenged and loved at the same time. Thank you :-D

The whole home thing though. Selfish gene aside I do think it is hard to look to another place and call it home after such a time away. Particularly when what has happened in the interim changes you and your situation completely. England was home once and I know it will be again but right now I am leaving home, ergo I cannot not be going back. Can I? Perhaps Robyn feels like this, I don't know. I sure do. It is just the fact of transition - things change.

But they also continue to change too and from this point onwards will be a new chapter for us both.

Geneva really has been a nest for me. It is a useful analogy and I have observed many lives being changed whilst here. I've watched people enter, be transformed and then get sent out in the world. It is a place for nourishment and growth and also for some a place of stability, as they become a nurturer here - but you only need so many of those and for every parent in a bird family you have a whole host of little chicks that eventually fly away. And that is what Robyn did this morning. And that is what I will do tomorrow night (I write as though it is Saturday given that it is presleep).

But if I were to quote my favourite (OK, I only know one) Christian reggae artist - "fly away home to glory" - maybe I need to rethink this whole 'home' thing. I suppose really, though I leave a home here - an encouraging, supportive and caring life and family that has weaned me onto solid food and given me a whole bunch of love - I am flying away home. Because if home is in glory and the kingdom is in our hearts it doesn't really matter where you settle down.

So really, Robyn did go home today; and I go home tomorrow; and we are both leaving home behind... because like a tortoise we carry home around with us and wherever I stop and draw in my legs is where I will find shelter - because glory is deep down in my heart.

Talking about deep deep, a down down... which is exactly the opposite of the tortoise analogy... but it is late, I have silly amounts of packing and finishing up still to do (if you are reading this before Sunday 7pm UK time, pray now; you don't even have to believe) and don't have the usual fall back plan that my parents will fit it into their car somehow. That said, I am leaving a bunch with Beautiful Brian and coming back to get it stupidly soon.

Am I being melodramatic given how easy Jet travel is these days? But where would the fun be otherwise?!

Night (if I ever get to bed) x

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